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« PS11 Tournament a Big Success | Main | PS11 Summer Chess Camps »

PS11 Chess Tournament June 1

Open to individuals and teams -- 200 players max
Teams with 12+ players will be assigned a team room
Individual prizes for the top 10 players in each section
Team prizes for top 2 teams in each section
Cash prizes for Quads winners
LIVE USCF ratings used to pair the event
All players must play in their designated sections

K-3 U300 - Novice (G/45 D5)
K-5 U700 - Advancing (G/45 D5)
K-3 U1000 - Intermediate (G/45 D5)
K-12  U1400 - Championship (G/45 D5)
K-12 Quads 1400+ - Quads (G/60 D5)

9am -- Arrive in team room
9:30 -- 1st round
11:15: 2nd round
1pm - 3rd round 
2:45 - Award Ceremony

Cost $45 until May 29 (11 pm), $55 after May 29

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