Security Policies and Procedures
For the safety of our students and personnel, parents and guardians must respect the following
security guidelines:
• Without exception, no adults will be allowed above the first floor at any time unless they have signed in with the safety officer or a staff member is accompanying them. This policy is in effect at all times, including arrival and dismissal.
• A parent or guardian who comes to the school after drop-off must sign in with a photo I.D. at the security desk, and obtain a visitors pass.
• A parent or guardian who must take a child out of school during school hours must first sign in with the safety officer, receive a visitors pass and then go to the Main Office (not to the classroom) to sign out his/her child with the School Secretary.
• To ensure the safety of the children attending the After School Program, no adults are allowed to loiter in the school cafeteria before or during dismissal (with the exception of Kindergarten parents waiting to pick up their children). Parents or guardians must wait for their children outside of the building.
• Parents and guardians must keep their Blue Emergency Card information up to date. If you do not, your child’s welfare is severely compromised. We must have your current and accurate contact information at all times.
• Parents and guardians must inform the classroom teacher, in writing, if someone else will be
picking up the child early or at dismissal. Under no circumstances will a child be released to an
unauthorized person (a person whose name does not appear on the Blue Emergency Card).