Search Engines for Kids
KidRex Simple and safe and powered by Google.
Kiddle is a search engine for K-8.
DuckDuckGo is a search engine with simplifier privacy settings.
KidsClick! Search tool for kids written by librarians
Quintura for Kids Pick any word which leads to more words to pick from.
Ducksters Education Site for Searching, includes the option to read text.
Nettreker is out again but hopefully back soon.
Reference Sites
BrainPop: Ask a teacher for the password and watch Brain Pop Videos
Awesome Library A librarian-compiled search and browsing tool Is a great place to learn about history topics, with videos. Social Studies and Humanities for K-8 students
Library of Congress Research resources for students in grades K-12
CIA World Factbook Brief facts on all of the countries in the world
Fact Monster Encyclopedia, dictionary, thesaurus, almanac and more
IPL2 Internet Public Library 2 extensive research resources for kids and teens
Word Central Merriam-Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus for kids
OneLook Dictionary and Reverse Dictionary search
How to Do Research Kentucky Virtual Library offers you a plan
NoodleQuest Research help for 5th Graders and up
Enchanted Learning Social studies and science information. Find facts and pictures to use in your reports.
TrackStar Made for teachers, but you can use it too. Use a keyword and view in Frames.
Ed Helper
Learning Page
Discovery School