In school most of these sites work better on Google Chrome then Safari
You can do them when you have finished your work,
ask your teacher if you can TOTALLY FREE EXPLORE:
INTERLAND is a great game that helps teach good Digital Citizenship
National Geographic for Kids Games
American Museum of Natural History OLogy Games
Play a Doodle for Google Games:
- Pony Express
- 2016 Halloween Draw Game
- 2020 Halloween Draw Game
- Celebrating 50 Years of Kids Coding
- D4G Pac Man Game
- Celebrating Swing Dancing and the Savoy Ballroom: Helps with Keyboarding Skills
- Celebrating Garden Gnomes
If you'd like to recommend a web site for this page please contact Mr. Fier at his NYCDoE email account.
Here are the names of other games that either are not working right now or that you'll need to check with an adult at home or in school before going there.
If you know of a replacement for these games please let Mr. Fier know.
- Cool Math Games You must sign up at home with an adult.
- Paper Airpalne Simulator Not available on the Internet anymore :-(
- 48 States Game Not available on the Internet anymore :-(