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Every year Mr. Bender carefully selects a book, quote, or video for each month of the school year. These resources are always connected by a particular theme which changes from year to year. This year's is a really powerful theme, but we aren't going to tell you what it is just yet.

At the end of each month, we will share the Resources of the Month with you in the hopes you will discuss it further with your children. Click on the images below to be taken to resources that will help extend the work your children have done in their classrooms!




March's Book of the Month: Great Joy

February's Video of the Month: Partly Cloudy

January's Text of the Month

December's Text of the Month: The Boy that Grew Flowers

November's Video of the Month: Happiness is Helping Others

October's Text of the Month: K is for Kindness

September's Text of the Month: How to Heal a Broken Wing